Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Ginger Pig Meat Book: Book Review

One of my most beloved Christmas pressies this year, was the Ginger Pig Meat book. Intended to be a reference book explainining buying, preparing and cooking meat, it's also recipe book filled to the brim with tantalising recipes.

The first quarter is dedicated to cuts of meat and more information about them than you can shake a stick at. Each chapter thereafter is organised into monthly chunks, prefaced with a diary page of the happenings on the 3 Yorkshire farms that supply the shops.

Tim Wilson, the farm and shop owner started farming 'accidentally' 15 years ago due to some pigs he bought multiplying, and began selling the meat. Such a great idea combining both, and Tim Wilson's passion for what he does really shines through. Good meat, looked after well. He is passionate, which really comes through the book and the magnificent meat, about traditional breeds, food and the intensive flavours that result.

The specially commissioned photography shines through, and is just beautiful.

I can't wait to begin cooking with the recipes, and I will let you know how I get on (though just as a reference guide this book is brilliant). In the meantime, I have dinner to finish cooking (sorry this is half cooked hence the brown edges), just look at that beautiful meat.

People are really beginning to care where their meat comes from, it's a revolution and can only be a good thing. This sort of book showcases what can be done, and just how hard Farmers work to produce food for us. I come from a farming family and have seen it first hand, but to know where it has come from, and that the animals have a quality of life makes it worth paying that little bit extra.

There is something so inviting about making your passion into a job - a lot of hard work - but more rewarding than your usual 9-5 slog.

What's your favourite meat dish?

(Please note any links to Amazon are through my Amazon Associates account, which means I make a little money (less than 5%) from any purchases made after clicking through these links and it adds nothing to the price of your book. This helps support my book addiction, so if you are interested in buying the book, please click through the top link)


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