Wednesday, July 18, 2012


I love lists. I make no apologies for it, and admit that sometimes I make lists of lists, and then lose them, adding ‘find list’ to the items of a new list.
Sometimes we find ourselves saying “what are we going to do this weekend?”

I love 1001 in 101, solving the twin conundrums above. I stumbled upon the website via the blogs I read, and devoured the fabulous goals people are setting.
In order to spice things up a bit, and to ensure we don’t find ourselves wandering aimlessly or sitting on the couch, no matter how much our Puss pins us down, I decided to set 101 goals. I think my main goal in life to have fun. We work such long hours, in stressful jobs to get the bills paid and I really think that you need a distraction to think about and look forward to. From the simple things such as joy on a friends face, to complex undertakings that affect hundreds of people. It’s all important.

This is why I do the 365 challenge I think. I LOVE photography. I have my baby-camera (it’s a Fujifilm Finepix EXR550 nothing as cool as a DSLR but has most of the manual functions, and I am coaxing a few good photos from it) and my phone on me at all times, and a film camera which I am starting to get to grips with tucked away at home. It’s something on a daily basis to be thinking about and looking for. Even if your day is terrible, and I’ve had a few over the last few years.

Anyway, back from my tangent, I’m going to set a page up on this little here blog and mark things off as I go along. I don’t want it to be a dead page, but a vibrant link back page, celebrating each goal as we achieve it. It may change, goals may become defunct or un-achievable, but I’m going to do it. And I’m pledging to myself to complete them all. I hope you enjoy, and would like to join in! Set your own 101 in 1001. Tell me about them, I’d love to see the adventures you have planned!

100 in 1001 – 01/06/2012 – 27/02/2015
Personal Goals
01. 7 Random Acts of Kindness in 7 days
02. Participate in NaNoWriMo
03. Go up in a Hot Air Balloon
04. Unplug from the phone, internet and television for a weekend
05. Do 3 days of Volunteering (../3)
06. Leave a 100% tip
07. Leave 25 Operation Beautiful notes (../25)
08. Join, or Start a book club
09. Save £1001
10. Donate Blood
11. Send a Message in a bottle
12. Learn to recognize a constellation
13. Don’t complain about anything for a week
14. Begin drawing again
15. See the Queen!
16. Write a letter to myself to be opened in 10 years
17. Organize all outings for at least 2 months in a calendar. Don’t miss any.
18. Complete a work related qualification
19. Send someone flowers, just to brighten up their day
20. SkyDive (with instructor)
21. Make an item of clothing
22. Complete the Monopoly Walk
23. View the Crown Jewels
24. Visit Buckingham Palace
25. Read 60 books on a top 100 book page (I’ve read 39/60 so far of the BBC’s 2003 list 10/06/2012)
26. Attend a Cricket Game at Lords
27. See the All Blacks in Twickenham
28. Find a penpal
29. Pay for someone in the line behind me

Friends and Family
30. Make and send a photo Christmas card
31. Give everyone home/locally made Christmas gifts one year
32. Have a Makeover
33. Go on a trip with my Sister
34. Go on a trip with my Brother

35. Complete a Spin class
36. Walk behind Waterfall
37. Complete a Hike
38. Publish Workout Playlists
39. Be able to touch my toes
40. Go indoor rock climbing
41. Swim 50 lengths
42. Lose 30kg
43. Maintain that weight once lost
44. Do a 5k & raise money for a Cancer Charity
45. Run an entire 5k (no walking breaks) & raise money for a Cancer Charity
46. See Big Ben

47. White cliffs of Dover
48. Chichester (Crooked spire)
49. Visit Greece
50. Visit America 
51. Visit the Pyramids
52. Olympic Village
53. Scottish Highlands
54. Go on a Canal Boat Holiday
55. Visit the Anne Frank House
56. Sleep in the treetops
57. Kiss the Blarney Stone
58. Go on a spontaneous Road Trip. Use a spin board to decide where to go for an afternoon.
59. Watch the sunrise and sunset in the same day
60. Sleep under the stars
61. Dance in the rain


62. Cook an entire Cookbook
63. For a day, cook a menu of hubby’s favourites.
64. Make Vanilla Rum & Skittle Vodka

66. Make Crystal Wraps
67. Eat only locally grown/made food for a day
68. Have a themed meals week
69. Host a Marguerita, M….s and Monopoly night
70. Cook a Beef Wellington
71. Attend a Clandestine Cake club
72. Host a Posh Afternoon Tea
73. Try 5 new restaurants in London town
74. Create & post 15 original recipes


75. Create one original artwork for our walls
76. Grow (and eat) edible flowers
77. Make the years’ Christmas Decoration
78. Keep the coffee table clear for a month
79. Grow my own tomatoes
80. Complete 3 home craft projects
81. Clean out the pantry cupboards by eating it all


82. Make & Develop a PinHole Camera Image
83. Sell a photograph
84.  Two day Photography Courses
85. Develop 3 rolls of film (../3)
86. Enter a Photo in a Competition
87. Photograph a week of quotes
88. Photograph a Red Squirrel in the wild
89. Catch at least 12 items on my ‘all time’ list (../12)

90. Design & run a blog for at least 1001 days
91. Go a week without using the words ‘Awesome’ ‘Yay’ or ‘Lol’
92. Complete a Blogging Workshop
93. Write a guest post
94. Conduct and post an interview
95. Write a “day in the life” blog post
96. Add 5 new food blogs to my reader
97. Do a “what I ate Wednesday” post
98. Review 52 books, one per week for a year
99. Review 5 food related nonfiction books
100. Meet a blog friend
101. Complete my 101 in 1001 page/countdown
Which would you like to do? Would you like to join me in any?


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