Saturday, December 22, 2012

Jaffa Slice Means Christmas - Kiwi cooking

If you have any space on your no-doubt groaning tables, this has to be found a place. Being from the other side of the world, we love our Roasts at Christmas (in 30°C) but this is one thing (in addition to Christmas Pud, Brandy Cream and Mince Pies) that simply makes me think of Christmas.

With the counterpoint of the Malt Biscuits, the Coconut and Chocolate Chips make a decadent mouthful, brought together by Condensed Milk & Butter, cut through with the zesty Orange.

Indulgent, not very healthy, but scrumptious and decadent. Christmas in a mouthful.

Thank you V.A. Nottle of Tauranga New Zealand. You are a legend.

Serves up to 24 slices - it is very decadent. Buuuuut, it can sometimes only last 5 mins. You have been warned.

This pic is sans Icing, as I'm not sure how long the slice will actually last once iced.

Oh, and did I mention the cooks privileges?


 (I cooked another slice, recipe soon to follow)


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