Friday, December 28, 2012

Kiwi Cooking: Lolly Cake

Before January Resolutions Kick-in, and everyone detoxes from the Christmas/New Years festivities, I'm going to sneak one last treat recipe in.

Lolly Cake.

This is a New Zealand institution, and I can almost guarantee that to bring a homesick Kiwi to their knees, or if you want bribe them into doing something horrendous, make Lolly Cake. For it to be truly authentic, you need to use Griffins Malt Biscuits and Pascal Eskimo Lollies - but in the UK Malted Milk biscuits and firm Marshmallows/Shrimps can be substituted in times of dire need. But only in life or death situations, you understand.

As a reference tool, the packets look like the below.


Brits, I know you're confused by the name, and the below images. A Lolly (or Lollies plural) when you are in New Zealand are what POMs call Sweets. Why the British decided to call Ice-Blocks (frozen summer ice treats eg. popsicles) Lollies, I don't know, and I think causes undue confusion. (The argument just there ^ that I've had with my hubby hundreds of times is why I know I will forever be a Kiwi in my heart). So for the purpose of this blog & this recipe please humour me.

It's not really a cake to be fair, more of a refrigerator slice, but it is delicious I can promise you that.

Please don't make the mistake I made over Christmas, thinking you can use soft Marshmallows. It doesn't quite work, and the bevy of Kiwi ladies I had over for tea were very disappointed.

Lolly Cake (Original Recipe here)

Sacred, I love you & you are keeping many of my Kiwi friends in London supplied. Rock on.

  • 1 Packet (250g) of Malt Biscuits (Graham crackers if you are in the US
  • 1 Packet (190g) of Eskimo lollies or Fruit Puffs (firm marshmallows)
  • 120g Butter
  • 1/2 a tin (200g) of Sweetened Condensed Milk
  • Dessicated Coconut 

    1. Crush the malted biscuits until you have 1/3 pulverised, 1/3 medium chunks (about the size of a 5p/5c coin), 1/3 large chunks (about the size of a 10p/10c coin). This is great if you've had a rough day.
    2. Cut up Eskimo lollies into bite sized chunks and add to the biscuits.
    3. Warm butter and condensed milk in microwave (or with a hairdryer until the bowl if your microwave packs a sad).
    4. Mix butter, condensed milk, crushed Malt biscuits and lollies together.
    5. Tip out onto a cutting board once combined, then use your hands to form into a firm log shape. It may look like a mess that won't come together to begin with, but the heat of your hands is key to getting a good texture as it will help to really combine everything.
    6. Roll/pat in coconut.
    7. Chill in fridge for 4 hours.
    8. When set, cut into slices and serve.
    Despite the difference in opinion over the Lolly/Sweets name, all of the visitors I have ever had have enjoyed this recipe. In fact I was in a rather posh restaurant a few weeks ago, and when a nearby American diner realised I was a Kiwi, asked me to email them this recipe 'that they had tried in New Zealand a long time ago and loved'.

    One last treat before January?


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