Tuesday, September 4, 2012

London living: The best way to see Wembley

How does flying through the air on a wire going 25mph whilst taking in the views of the home of English football sound? I've come to the realisation that we need to enjoy life to the max, and have to try and live up to my chosen blog name 'Adventures of a London Kiwi' and push the envelope a bit..

We were taken on a guided tour of Wembleys facilities; the plush changing rooms, players tunnels and Royal Box, which on a normal day would have have been awesome in itself, but our guide assured us that the zipwire set up diagonally across the pitch was the absoloute best way to see it.

It was amazing. When my brother in law first saw it and suggested it, I was ever so keen, but as we got closer and closer, realising how high it is, and how fast it is, I have to admit I was scared. Big scared.

Once it takes your weight, and you clear the rather solid looking concrete and steel balcony, it was AMAZING! Staffed by no-nonsense northerners, (sorry hubby) the Yorkshire staff were brilliant. Professional, thorough and funny. Exactly what you hope for when entrusting your life to them.
Did I scream like a girl? You betcha I did!

The FA Cup - I can't tell you how excited my lads were, oh, and they saw the infamous '66 cross bar which has been mounted and made into a cafe entrance.

The changing rooms, and where the hunky England football players shower (well, it is the beautiful game isn't it, and you have to have something to keep you interested in between the grass blade tripping...)

The tunnel entrance to the pitch, where we then made our way to the Royal box


See the yellow arrow, that's how high the zipwire was!

This was one airborne Kiwi!!

This is the first year that Wembley have allowed the ziplining, hopefully they continue to do it; astounding.

Apologies for being MIA yesterday, just too tired.

Todays Workout: 11 minutes running, 50 minutes solid walking, 10 minutes on the stair machine


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