A folly, is defined by the Oxford Dictionary as "a costly ornamental building with no practical purpose, especially a tower or mock-Gothic ruin built in a large garden or park." The UK is dotted with them - the Telegraph has a gallery with their 'best ofs' found here.
Opening at the start of the Olympic Games, Paleys upon Piers is a timber 'palace' markinf the exact spot of Aldgate, and celebrates Chaucer, Aldgates' most famous resident. It also acts as a gateway from the City of London to the Olympic Park, which hosted the 2012 Olympics Games (oh how I wish they were still on!)
Designed by StudioWeaver, it was inspired by "by two dream poems written by Chaucer while resident in the rooms above the gate in the 14th century: The House of Fame and The Parlement of Foules, or Parliament of Fowls."
These oddities make London for me.
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