Last year in the month leading up to Easter, London was overtaken by a strange phenomena - giant porcelain eggs popping up on street corners, in shop windows and hotel foyers.
We became strangely obsessed with hunting down every single one of the 101 eggs. From the Sloan-ey market squares, to Mayfair and as far as the platinum towers of Canary Wharf, we were determined to, and managed to spot every one of them and take photographic proof.
We also helped them collect one of two world records the made - most participants in an Easter egg hunt and the worlds most expensive chocolate Easter egg. Sadly it wasn't the latter.
This year, much to our geekery excitement they are back! Focused initially on (my favourite London spelling mistake) Covent Garden, they have unleashed another 101 artist designed eggs, in order to fundraise for the charity Action for Children. In their own words "The Big Egg Hunt is a record breaking, egg hunting, fundraising spectacular - a public art event with a BIG difference"
This year, instead of having them dotted to the four corners of London, they are on tour to Birmingham, Glasgow, Liverpool and Manchester to end up in London again.
I must admit to a tinge of disappointment that we aren't having the same format as last year, but logistically it must have been a nightmare to organise with them spread so far. And I mustn't be selfish - everyone should have an equal chance, not just us Londoners.
It's great for kids of all ages - there were as many middle-aged-no-kids pairs and groups as there were families excitedly shouting "there's one, there's one!"
It's so cheap - a minimum £3 donation gets you a glossy brochure to tick your eggs off as you spot them - and it includes a Chocolate bunny. For sustenance you understand. It's a great excuse to mooch about the vibrant Covent Garden area, with it's buskers, food, and installations. And the artwork is incredible.
They are staying in London until Sunday (tomorrow) and are back for the finale, 22nd March - 7th April, visiting more cities in between. Set aside a couple of hours, and keep your eyes peeled for some eggs-celent art (sorry)!
How many do you think you could find?
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