We tried a variety of local and Spanish delicacies whilst away - I normally have a list of the things I want to try, and try to avoid the touristy traps as you normally get ripped off and eat bland rubbish food.
Pinchos (aka Tapas): These are delicacies speared with a toothpick and are generally eaten whilst socialising. I love this idea of this, and they are fairly filling too - most are speared to a slice of Baguette and you can great really creative with them - I think I'm going to make my own at some point. The restaurant charges you based on the number of sticks you've used so it can get fairly pricey if you're not careful though...
Football Crisps: These cracked me up - they've taken promotional gear to a whole new level - we saw crisps (or as they are correctly called Chips - in the UK they are called, wrongly I might add, crisps), sweets, cheese - all emblazoned with the two main teams' insignia.
Proper Continental Breakfast in the craziest hotel breakfast room I've ever seen: Cold Mushroom Tortilla, Ham, Spiced Sausage, Chorizo, Mozerella, Bread, Vegetables, Fresh Fruit.
Picnicking Barcelona style en plein air: So good. Chorizo, fresh bread, cheese, sausages, salad, cucumber, red pepper.
Paella: Proper homemade paella, rich and unctious with Prawns, Mussels and Chicken. We found a proper off-piste local bar where they didn't really cater for tourists and we don't speak Spanish (apart from the really really basic words) thinking that we'd end up eating good food, and boy were we so right. I ran out of battery, so didn't get any pics sadly.
Tortilla with Potato and Tomato Passata: So simple, and yet so good - this one was a basic Bubble and Squeak, but the Passata was so scrummy and cut through the creamy fried mash potato.
Flan(?) & Creme Catalonia:
German Bratwurst ;-) and a scrummy chicken burger patty with asparagus and apple - a combo I'm going to try at home!
Chocolate at Montserrat, infused with liquor made by Benedictine Monks since 1206:

Sadly no Sangria as I was on antibiotics, but hubby assures me that is was delicious, and refrashing; as were the beers.
Pinchos (aka Tapas): These are delicacies speared with a toothpick and are generally eaten whilst socialising. I love this idea of this, and they are fairly filling too - most are speared to a slice of Baguette and you can great really creative with them - I think I'm going to make my own at some point. The restaurant charges you based on the number of sticks you've used so it can get fairly pricey if you're not careful though...
Football Crisps: These cracked me up - they've taken promotional gear to a whole new level - we saw crisps (or as they are correctly called Chips - in the UK they are called, wrongly I might add, crisps), sweets, cheese - all emblazoned with the two main teams' insignia.
Proper Continental Breakfast in the craziest hotel breakfast room I've ever seen: Cold Mushroom Tortilla, Ham, Spiced Sausage, Chorizo, Mozerella, Bread, Vegetables, Fresh Fruit.
Picnicking Barcelona style en plein air: So good. Chorizo, fresh bread, cheese, sausages, salad, cucumber, red pepper.
Paella: Proper homemade paella, rich and unctious with Prawns, Mussels and Chicken. We found a proper off-piste local bar where they didn't really cater for tourists and we don't speak Spanish (apart from the really really basic words) thinking that we'd end up eating good food, and boy were we so right. I ran out of battery, so didn't get any pics sadly.
Tortilla with Potato and Tomato Passata: So simple, and yet so good - this one was a basic Bubble and Squeak, but the Passata was so scrummy and cut through the creamy fried mash potato.
Flan(?) & Creme Catalonia:
German Bratwurst ;-) and a scrummy chicken burger patty with asparagus and apple - a combo I'm going to try at home!
Chocolate at Montserrat, infused with liquor made by Benedictine Monks since 1206:
Sadly no Sangria as I was on antibiotics, but hubby assures me that is was delicious, and refrashing; as were the beers.
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