It has been a tino pai (really good) week in the land of Adventures of a London Kiwi. The blog has hit (unbelievably) over 20,000 views!!!!
My hubby keeps reminding me that when I started the blog, I wondered if anyone at all would read my little corner of 't internet, and I'm genuinely blown away that you have been so kind - and that you keep returning. I'm just thrilled that anyone wanted to stop by at all.
I've got a little kiwi themed giveaway for tomorrow to say thank you to all my lovely (UK) readers (I'm working on one for the International folks - Hello to Russia, Romania, Canada, Brazil, the Netherlands, Poland, New Zeland to name but a few! ). Please don't forget to enter the tickets to the awesome Foodies Festivals tickets here they will be drawn soon. Please don't worry, the blog isn't going to change and become sponsored by mega corporations with no soul (or little corporations with a bit of soul for that matter) - that's not how I am. I'm just enjoying passing on a little of the blog love I've recieved.
The blog & I can be found in a variety of places - subscribe with Bloglovin (a good replacement for Google Reader), Twitter, Instagram, GoodReads, on Google+ and follow my blog posts by subscribing to the right of this post by RSS or Email. I'd love to hear from you - drop me an email, or say hola on Twitter. Let me know what you think about the blog - I'd love your feedback.
You've voted with your mouse and some of the most popular blog posts have been:
...a real variety which heartens me. If there is something you would like to see more of, please holler in the comments below.
My last couple of weeks have featured;
Still a little annoyed at how the weather was the weekend after our Shard fail.
It's been pretty fun in big bad London.
So, is there anything you would like to see more of on Adventures of a London Kiwi? I would LOVE some feedback - you're all so shy commenting...
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