GIVEAWAY: The Collective Yoghurts and Gourmet Parcel NOW CLOSED
In order to say thank you, I've teamed up with The Collective, a Kiwi-originating company now conquering the UK yoghurt scene (I adore their passion fruit and Russian Fudge flavours), who have kindly agreed to donate a months worth of their delicious yoghurts to a reader of Adventures of a London Kiwi.

Wordless Friday and a Blog Landmark
My hubby keeps reminding me that when I started the blog, I wondered if anyone at all would read my little corner of 't internet, and I'm genuinely blown away that you have been so kind - and that you keep returning. I'm just thrilled that anyone wanted to stop by at all.
Call the Midwife - Reading Recommendation
I love this book. I can't ever really call myself a full londoner, not having been born within hearing of the Bow bells, or even on this side of the globe, but the heartfelt stories within in this memoir make you yearn a little to be a Cockney Sparra.

Homemade Chutneys - Newton and Pott
Have I managed to tickle your fancy yet? (most Kiwis reading this blog will be drooling already - you can switch to the bottom of the blog post for details on how to get your mitts on these delicious London babies).

Hackney Broadway Market
Flanked by a full variety of shops selling almost everything else you can think of, the Broadway is busy and buzzing with the hum of good foods and smiling stallholders. There is also a green not far away, where you can enjoy your spoils.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Foodie Penpals October (Rebecca)
Birthday Spoils
It can be hard in London, meeting great people in such a large busy place can be difficult, so I'm lucky to be surrounded by some of the best.
From Birthday hugs and dances,
Hazlenut Truffles,
8 hour brunches,
Krispy Kreme Guilt & Social salads
Birthday Cakes,
Scrumptious Hampers to explore,
to Champagne Truffles,
two Hairy Chefs getting a bit naked,
to Sunday Roast toasting with Blackberry Gin Nectar (I'm serious, this is delicious).
Monday, October 29, 2012
7 Random Acts of Kindness
I like a challenge which is why I picked 7 in 7 days; and have tried to carry out kindnesses that can have an effect on a personal level. Just recently I've had a random middle-aged lady look up at me and smile. I didn't quite know what to do, before awkwardly grinning back. It really brightened up my morning commute, and cost nobody anything (though did make me wonder if I had something green in my teeth for a second!)
Day 1. Smile genuinely at 5 people
I like to set myself a challenge (hence 7 in 7 days) but I hadn't quite counted on the frozen countenances of London commuters. London commuters generally have one facial setting "
Day 2. Pick up Litter
Todays act was completed within the mile walk from my train station to my office. It was kinda gross really how easy it was - 3 items in quick succession. And I work in quite a nice area. One man even tore the clear plastic wrapper off his cigarettes, walked past a bin, dropped it on the ground before lighting up and shoving the pack in his pocket.
Day 3. Make time to be silly
My “Tomorrow it’s my Birthday dance” put a smile on a sad colleagues face. Oh the things we do…
Day 4. Buy a coffee for a homeless person
Seeing as it's my birthday, I wanted to pass on the karma from the lovely gifts I have received - I've gifted a local Big Issue seller with a coffee gift card. It's cold, it's misty and he must be feeling miserable.
Day 5. Write a thank you note
Written to a dear friend for the many kindnesses she does for me on all the time.
Day 6. Let 3 people ahead of me in line
Day 7. Gave up my seat
This I do normally and have a bug bear about – I’ve seen young people blatantly sitting in in a designated seat ignore pregnant ladies or older people who clearly need it more. To challenge myself I wanted to do it as often as I could – ending up 3 times.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Goodmans Review. Truly Scrumptious.
I did drop a clanger, announcing two days before (bearing in mind that the table was booked about a month before) saying that I didn't like Steak. The looks on their faces? Priceless. The fact that they believed me? Incredibly funny.
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Photos nicked from the Goodmans website |
After a pre-dinner aperitif in Mayfair (to a background of remixed 'Sound of Music' club music) and a wee wander around Mayfair (read a bit lost), we were seated with a minimum of fuss. We chose to skip the starters, and go to straight to the main event, the steaks. The wait staff come to your table before you order, and present a platter with a selection of the cuts of the day, and explain the textures and chef recommendations to us.
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Photos nicked from the Goodmans website |
But, the piece de resistance - a chorus of Happy Bithday, accompanying a lit candle atop Chocolate Mousse. The Happy Birthday from my lovely work lot, got me a bit goopy, and the Mousse made me melt. Due to the sheer stuffed feeling from dinner, I shared it, but can confirm it's scrumptious. Layers of Milk Chocolate Ganache, Creamy White Chocolate Mousse, Milk Chocolate Mousse, and a sponge base. It was lovely. The layers made it really like and the textures making a beautiful mouthful, but not too sinfully rich. *photo to follow hopefully*
Did I mention the cheeky Kiwi wines?
Goodmans biggest rival is the Hawksmoor. Also soon to be investigated. I will let you know the results. - oh the things I do for the blog!
How do you enjoy your Steak? Burnt? Mooing? Of the Poultry variety?
Friday, October 26, 2012
Tales from a Secondhand Wand Shoppe - E-Book Review
Basically, two gnomes selling wands (one from a shoppe, one from a cart - often being moved on) join forces. "City ordinances are broken. Neighbors are annoyed. The Constable becomes involved. Even the Magician's Guild sends over some Enforcers to deal with them. Things are looking up for the Gnomes! "
Such great characters - Grimbledung and Drimblerod, "a neurotic Jousting Dummy, an immortal (so far) Rat, a Trolless who runs the Tavern and Restaurant across the street, a Dwarf next door with (alleged) Mob ties, and the Head Mistress of the local School of Magic (with definite Mob ties)". This series the beginnings of a great Terry Pratchett-esque world. I felt the plot could do with tightening in places, it does wander a bit, but the characters and writing is just so funny. I also loved the creative chapter names.
A good commuter read, certainly a 'Willing suspension of disbelief' it's a great, funny escapist fantasy read. I'm really looking forward to this writer and future series - not to mention the fantastic illustrations scattered throughout the book.
(Please note any links to Amazon are through my Amazon Associates account, which means I make a little money (less than 5%) from any purchases made after clicking through these links but it doesn't add any cost to your purchase. This helps support my book addiction, so if you are interested in buying the book, please click through the top link)
Thursday, October 25, 2012
An Unexpected Birthday Present
The upside is 36 hours of messages, cards, birthday cake, toasting, merry making and catching up with friends.
The downside is that a lot of the people you love are pretty far away. But it makes you appreciate a hundred times more the family you make over here on this side of the world.
(Fyi, I haven't been drinking at 8am this morning, it was a birthday drink last night (KST)
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
London Living: Kings Cross/St Pancras
London has some of the best, and certainly infamous Train Stations. Kings Cross has recently undergone a major revamp, but most importantly, the Hogwarts 9 and 3/4 has been returned to it's proper home (it had been stuck on an external corner whilst the works were completing.
I quite like the new station, the architectural style of the new overarching waiting area contrasting then with the stunning St Pancras Station across the way..
It's a lovely place to stand & wait for your train - especially when shooting over to the continent! If really bored and musically inclined, I spotted this sweet piano!
Monday, October 22, 2012
Kiwi Cooking: Ginger Slice
A lovely slice of childhood, perfect with a cup of Tea or Coffee.
125 g Butter, softened
1/2 cup Sugar
1 1/2 cups standard Plain Flour
1 teaspoon Baking Powder
1 teaspoon Ground Ginger
75 g Butter
3/4 cup Icing Sugar
2 tablespoons Golden Syrup
3 teaspoons Ground Ginger
- Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy.
- Sift flour, baking powder and ginger together.
- Mix into creamed mixture.
- Turn dough out onto a lightly floured board. Knead well.
- Press dough into a greased 20x30cm sponge roll tin.
- Bake at 190C (375F) for 20-25 minutes or until light brown.
- When there is about 5 minutes of cooking time left, combine butter, icing sugar, golden syrup and ginger.
- Heat until butter is melted, stirring constantly.
- Pour hot ginger icing over base while hot and cut into squares before it gets cold.
I'm submitting this recipe for the December 2012 One Ingredient challenge. Hosted by the Franglais Kitchen and How to Cook Good Food my post is an oldie, but a goodie by Edmonds.
What do you think of Ginger as a sweet - like it or loathe it?
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Foodie-in-Training: Pomegranate
I've been seeing them everywhere, and so bought them to enjoy at home, and at work on my breakfast. The juice stains really badly, but they are so lovely and tart it's worth the cleaning & prep. Apparently when buying them, choose fruit with glossy skin that are heavy for their size.
I've been eating them on top of my normal brekkie of yoghurt, wheatgerm & fruit; in couple of my salads and smoothies (great tip for making these on the 5dollardinners website). I really like the various pomegranate drinks that are popping up and I think I'd like to try the pomegranate syrup one day - not sure what I'd use it for though.
I've been opening the by cutting them in half, then bashing the seeds out with a rolling pin. Whilst this is a quick method, it's definately not the cleanest. See below a really handy YouTube video;
What is your favourite fruit? Have you tried Pomegranates before?
London Living: Ghost Tours
So yesterday, on a verrry wet Saturday evening we lined up in the pouring rain to board the 'Ghost Bus'. It was halarious.
With a loop starting near Trafalar Circus, taking in St Pauls, and Southwark; it was the
They give a really interesting gory history of the London sights & sounds along the 1hr and 15minute route, accompanied by a the conductor & guest, with a host of sounds, video effects and spooky goings on.
It is really funny, the actors certainly give it their all. We weren't very scared but boy we laughed. Certainly worth going once, and seeing an alternative history of London. We are thinking to do a few of the haunted walking tours as well.
London is just so interesting!
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Downsides to being the 'Right way up'
I'm lucky, and have a lovely, tireless local to help me (thanks hubs!) but I still get frustrated at times. Take for instance English Street Name Signs. Why are they so elusive? The amount of times I've gone somewhere new, and become hopelessly lost because none of the roads I'm standing on have road names; or they have them in some strange place and they've become over-grown with foliage...
There are a few things that you don't really realise that will have an effect, and help the realisation that you are marching to a different beat of the drum;
Having different public days eg. Fathers day in NZ is the first Sunday in September, after the UK one which is the third Sunday of June; this kinda messes with everything because when I need to buy one the shops are, well empty. It does mean you get creative though, and the emergence of online card shops is a god send
One disappointment I've had, is that at home there is always a 3 day bank holiday weekend around my birthday. Not so in England - I think I need to make a petition to Parliament...
Missing birthdays I'm rubbish at appointments. I've solved this by constantly updating the calendar on my phone, and it's working really well, BUT with at least a 3 week delivery time to NZ sorting out birthday presents is a little hard. I've now clued in, and keep a NZ bank account and order a lot of things from NZ companies, getting them delivered directly to the famdamily.
Organising Pow Wow Times This one we've got down pat now; when you arrange a time to call or video call with family, and you're setting a time, make sure you have the international clock up, confirm whose time you're speaking about eg. 10am on Saturday morning NZ time, or 10am Saturday evening UK time - and if you're me, put it in the calendar.
Spelling We have a slightly different way of spelling - NZ it seems to be a mixture of UK and US spellings.
Adapting the way you speak unintentionally – I was told by a kindly gentleman after I had lived here a couple of years that taking on the accent/ways of a new home is a sign of assimilation. I had to re-learn all of the classics - Ten, Seven, Fish & Chips, but the one that sticks in my craw a little is my own name. Yes, even though my name is Anglo-Saxon in origin, I had to relearn it in 'English'. I always find it really interesting though, some people who have been here a long time still sound very Kiwi, and others like myself don't.
None of these are life changers, but they do make things interesting... I like to send at least a card for people birthday, but my poor Sis whose birthday was yesterday (Happy Birthday!) didn't get one because by the time I realised what the date was, it was lunchtime on the 19th our time, so 1am on the 20th NZ time. Bad Sister.
Give me upside down anyday. At least the water runs down the drain the right way at home...
What do you think you'd miss? Ex-Pats, what else do you find frustrating?
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Adventures of the Benign
It's a lovely cosy time of the year - the weather settles down (into a lot of rain) but it's so good when you're curled up inside listening to the raindrops on the window with a nice soup bubbling, the heating gently on and something good to read. Bliss.
Lurking through the internet (where to find the London Kiwi Adventures)
(Here's a cute picture of our beast to reward you reading a probably fairly boring post!)
I thought I'd share them because I'd like to get to know you, and I also wanted to pass on the internet sites I've found helpful.
This is an addiction I can't seem to shake off - I'd love to hear from you! There is something great about being able to pick up the random world at the touch of the finger tips, though it's a definately a time sucker. I've also been able to meet a couple of lovely ladies in the real world and it's brilliant. It's a good tool though - the stories that have come from the immediacy of Twitter - take NeverSeconds for example.
Google+ and I are becoming friends, slowly but surely. It's not quite as easy to pick up as Twitter/Bloglovin' but allows you to do both of the above and branch out and meet other bloggers.
This site bad. And by bad I mean good, but bad for my bank balance (and the hubby reckons the Amazon rainforest!) as it keeps sending me recommendation for new great authors and books.
I'm also a fledgling member of Foodies100, a great resource rounding up the top UK Foodie blogs. I'm always amazed by the length and breadth of variety in blogs. It's fascinating to see how creative everyone is.
I've not been comped by any of the above companies - just wanted to share the love!
Where do you prefer to read/keep up to date with blogs?