Charting the adventures and mis-adventures of two gnomes, I lighted on this e-book, and thinking it sounded delicious, appealing to my love of Terry Pratchett I devoured this in an afternoon or so. Really funny, slightly discombobulated (a few editing errors which make things a bit odd) I think Robert P. Willis is someone that I'm going to keep an eye out for.
Basically, two gnomes selling wands (one from a shoppe, one from a cart - often being moved on) join forces. "City ordinances are broken. Neighbors are annoyed. The Constable becomes involved. Even the Magician's Guild sends over some Enforcers to deal with them. Things are looking up for the Gnomes! "
Such great characters - Grimbledung and Drimblerod, "a neurotic Jousting Dummy, an immortal (so far) Rat, a Trolless who runs the Tavern and Restaurant across the street, a Dwarf next door with (alleged) Mob ties, and the Head Mistress of the local School of Magic (with definite Mob ties)". This series the beginnings of a great Terry Pratchett-esque world. I felt the plot could do with tightening in places, it does wander a bit, but the characters and writing is just so funny. I also loved the creative chapter names.
A good commuter read, certainly a 'Willing suspension of disbelief' it's a great, funny escapist fantasy read. I'm really looking forward to this writer and future series - not to mention the fantastic illustrations scattered throughout the book.
(Please note any links to Amazon are through my Amazon Associates account, which means I make a little money (less than 5%) from any purchases made after clicking through these links but it doesn't add any cost to your purchase. This helps support my book addiction, so if you are interested in buying the book, please click through the top link)
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