Monday, December 31, 2012

Goodbye 2012

As I write this, 2012 is over in New Zealand, and people all over the world are coming to this realisation, with probably a good percentage of them are in the process of getting drunk to mourn it, and are beginning to drink in celebration the new possibilities that 2013 can bring.

Sidenote: Thank you to the Mayans for getting it wrong.

I can't quite believe that the blog has grown so much, it's been a blast writing it, but the feedback is the best part & the people I've met through it.

The top 12 posts of 2012;

The first six are chosen by you, my lovely readers, and include a few great surpises;


and the posts I most enjoyed writing;

#6 - Camping

I've been asked several times in the last few days what New Years Resolutions I'm going to make. To be honest with you, I've never been one to make them. I have always thought that you should have goals, but they should be a little more focussed than the usual "In 2013 I will get thinner, stop smoking & quit drinking" which only last a few weeks before they get back on the usual cycle of mischief, guilt then more mischief.

I am looking forward to the possibilities of 2013. Who knows where we will end up & what we will have done? I'm hoping to have completed a few more goals of my 101 in 1001 page. After a bit of number crunching we have calculated that we have completed 16% of the goals in 17% of the overall time which is pretty good going.

With excitings plans in the pipeline, I can't wait for 2013.

I hope you have a wonderful 2013.


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