We ended up having such a lovely low key day. Bar a few (actual) nightmares the night before (you know, like the ones you have before an important job interview, and you get to the end and realise you forgot to put trousers on?) it was a dream.

We had looked into the option of being shamelessly spoilt and going out for afternoon tea eg. like this afternoon, but decided it would be easier, better to organise transport-wise and, honestly, cheaper to do it ourselves.
The Menu?
Bite-size Sandwiches:
Egg Mayonnaise & Cress on fresh White Bread
Chicken & Sweetcorn on fresh White Bread
Ham, Rocket & Chipotle Sauce on Wholemeal Bread
A variety of Savouries hot from the oven
(the only real let down was the Ketchup served in Tupperware!)
Cherry Scones with Devonshire Clotted Cream
Cherry Bakewells, Lemon Sponge Slices, Festive Caramel Slice
White Chocolate Penguins, After Eight Mints, Snowballs (Marshmallow with a Chocolate shell & Coconut)
((Lolly Cake should have made an appearance, but I got a bit creative with the recipe & instead of being a slice, it's more of an ice-cream topping))
Cranberry Juice with Mulled Spices - such a beautiful non-alcohol drink - literally get some of the mulling spice bags from your nearby supermarket, and heat the cranberry juice on the stove with the bags steeping. Absoloutely lush - it tastes like it should be alcoholic!
Written up, it looks like it would be a lot of work, but to be honest we we allowed the supermarket baking companies to help take most of the strain. The drinks and sandwiches took the most work, but with three of us in the kitchen, drinks in hand, it really was a lot of fun. I wanted it to be low-key, and that's what we got. The developing 'Foodie' in me wanted to handmake everything, but by the time we got to this morning, it wasn't an option.
A lovely, decadent afternoon with some of the loveliest ladies. We opened a couple of pressies with my cousin who is having an Orphans Christmas (with the rest of her Kiwi friends - something that is a London tradition - I can't wait to see how their Turkey comes out!)
It wasn't over the top but just the right level of decadence, the conversation flowed, the food came out steadily and the drinks flowed.
I hope you are spending some time with your loved ones, either over video chat, with an afternoon tea like the above, or at the Cinema, or just somehow.
I think I need to host more of these next year. Maybe that should be one of my New Years resolutions?
Right now, dishes to wash. Er, maybe I should reconsider the 'at home' business!!
Right now, dishes to wash. Er, maybe I should reconsider the 'at home' business!!
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