I came to this series late. In some ways it's a shame, in others it means I don't have to wait to read the subsequent books...
"Welcome to Morganville, Texas. Just don't stay out after dark."
They are seriously addictive of the Vampire persuasion. Clare, is a young brainiac starting University early as a transfer student in the town of Morgansville. On campus everything is fairly normal, there are the perfect groups and the off-centre groups, normal stuff, until is bullied into living off campus, and then the real fun begins.
Glass Houses - Rachel Caine
This genre of books are my secret vice. I like to try the Classics, I like to read a real variety of stuff, but these are my addiction. Vampires (I can actually hear hubby rolling his eyes as he says it disparagingly) are huge with authors getting on the Twilight bandwagon, but it takes real skill to create a parrallel Universe such as this so well.
With a butt-kicking cast - Claire, her roommates Shane, Eve and Michael and a host of Baddies, Good Guys and a few you aren't entirely sure of, I found these well written, light, interesting and full of action. The books are light entertainment, and it's nice to not have the pg-18 actions some authors feel the need to insert into the genre.
Claire is a very naive 16 at the start of the series, and it's refreshing to follow her as she grows up, and gets to know who she is. My favourite aspect of the book is the repartee between her and her house mates, I laughed out loud a few times at the typical, inane stuff they find amusing. It's spot on.
There are complex backstories to all of the characters and how they react, and a few twists and turns you won't be expecting. It's a different vein (hahaha) to A Hidden Fire by Elizabeth Hunter, but just as enjoyable.
And it involves down the track a pair of Fanged Bunny Slippers, just like mine! Amazingly, my fanged bunny slippers are a Monty Python reference - the Knight-Eating Rabbit (maybe I was always destined to live in England, with a sense of humour like I have?)
(Please note any links to Amazon are through my Amazon Associates account, which means I make a little money (less than 5%) from any purchases made after clicking through these links and it adds nothing to the price of your book. This helps support my book addiction, so if you are interested in buying the book, please click through the top link)
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