Thursday, November 22, 2012

The Little Stranger

This psychological drama was a slow-burning page turner.

I read this on the recommendation of a fellow blogger - Kit at What a Peach! and I am SO glad I did.

It's subtle, delicious and mesmerising. Set just after WW2 in agricultural England, there is something not quite right about the Ayres family mansion. The author keeps you guessing all the way through, and I don't want to give away any spoilers.

The characters are good, if ever so slightly one-sided but the house almost becomes a character in it's own right, affecting those around it in so many ways. The lead character Dr Faraday is a local man whose mother worked many years ago in the house as a Nanny. (As I write these words, a strange smell of smoke arises in our home - no wait, that's the neighbours fireplace - never mind).

I have to use anothers words to sum this up - Tatiana from Goodreads; "Curious and deliciously ambiguous [in an] enigmatic way". Utterly perfect description.

(Please note any links to Amazon are through my Amazon Associates account, which means I make a little money (less than 5%) from any purchases made after clicking through these links. This helps support my book addiction, so if you are interested in buying the book, please click through the above Book & author link)


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