Friday, November 2, 2012

Adventures of the Benign - a week of rambles

With a rather busy week, a duvet day tomorrow is definately tempting - especially with the cool crisp weather we have at the moment. Overall it's been a really good week, and I'm looking forward to the weekend.

I have celebrated 4 wonderful married years with my hubby; (it's fruit & flowers this year the traditional gift - he got me the below flowers, and because I think I'm funny, I got him a tin of peaches!)

We enjoyed a lovely dinner for our anniversary, culminated in the loveliest desserts. I think I'll be back there, for dessert. I also tried pigeon for the first time - it's ok, the piece I tried was a bit tough & gamey.

We celebrated All Hallows' Eve; (mostly by eating a lot of pumpkin)

Jack, our pumpkin, became cinnamon & ginger flavoured pumpkin seeds, the scrummiest Curried Pumpkin & Parsnip soup (thank you Lin, your curry powder is scrumptious!) and was also destined to become Pumpkin Pie ... until my rampaging hubby threw the pumpkin out. Jack's little grinning face was staring at me from the bin...

Had a few early starts

... for work training, which I've already used much to my surprise! I am definately not a morning person.


We generally have just enjoyed London this week.


How has your week been? Marked any milestones; large or small?


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