This is my most favourite time of year hands down, with lazy summer days a very close second.
This fortnight has included;
A beautiful sunrise or two...
Some random Christmas lights down Oxford St...
Some tempting fugly Christmas Jumper-age
Some Rotton Egg & Marshmallow flavoured Beans... the dirt ones were surprisingly good!

A few technical problems... (they are the remains of a pancake, or in Kiwi-speak the Pikelets)

Work studying, not really aided by the cat... I actually had to request a few pages be resent to me as they had been eaten by the cat. Forget 'my dog ate my homework'!

The best kind of snow in London - fake snow;

and a few more Christmas lights being switched on...

The biggest downside to winter is it gets dark so quickly, so early. It makes photographing harder and after awhile people get a little blue.
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