Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Adventures of the Benign: Latest Ramblings

It's been a busy two weeks, and I can't wait for the work bell to ring tonight - then I'll be free and easy. Free, I will be free for more shenanigans! With the nights drawing in, and winter approaching it's getting harder to get bright photos, but it does mean that people are starting to get their festive cheer on. It also means a lot of socialising.

This is my most favourite time of year hands down, with lazy summer days a very close second.

This fortnight has included;

A beautiful sunrise or two...

Some random Christmas lights down Oxford St...

Some tempting fugly Christmas Jumper-age

Some Rotton Egg & Marshmallow flavoured Beans... the dirt ones were surprisingly good!

A few technical problems... (they are the remains of a pancake, or in Kiwi-speak the Pikelets)

Work studying, not really aided by the cat... I actually had to request a few pages be resent to me as they had been eaten by the cat. Forget 'my dog ate my homework'!

The best kind of snow in London - fake snow;

and a few more Christmas lights being switched on...

 Some good news...

 Some E.T.ish vegetables;

The biggest downside to winter is it gets dark so quickly, so early. It makes photographing harder and after awhile people get a little blue.


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