Sunday, November 18, 2012


Why do I blog? It's not as if we really needed more chores to do, but the fantastic blogs out on the interwebs really inspired me to hoik up a speakers box of my own, where hubby & I could share our wanderings.

My blog reader is full of incredible people who write some amazing things, and I've learned that to consistently blog it takes some planning, and quite a bit of time and determination.

On the positive side it's making us get more creative, get out of the day-to-day rut we are in and explore the wonderful city we don't take full advantage of. There are so many delights in the many-faceted London.

Its also pushing my cooking boundaries as well, trying to cook more varied dishes, try so many wonderful new things and new restaurants - which is nice to have a record of (especially when trying to recreate dishes that we really enjoyed, then ruin because we've missed a key ingrediant) .

Its also quite easy sometimes - I'm not really writing for any niche in particular, but just about the things that we enjoy, and take my fancy. I've also found that writing when inspirition takes you is a very good idea - if you procrastinate you will lose 'that idea' which in hindsight was probably a good one!

Technology helps. I write a lot of my posts on my commute - making use of the time that otherwise I may have just been staring out of the window, trying not to look at anyone else.

In some ways I think it's also helping my work - my written work which I was never very confident about is getting stronger - it may not be changing at all, but the way I feel about it is more confident. Having a blog is also quite cathartic.

Loving it.


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